Alexander Sokurov
Otets i syn - Father and Son (2003)
Russian Ark - L'Arca Russa (2002)
Elégie de la traversée - Elegia del viaggio
Telets - Taurus (2001)
Dolce (2000)
Uzel - The Kont (1999)
Molokh - Moloch (1999)
Mat i syn - Mother and Son (1997)
Robert. Schastlivaya zhizn - Hubert Robert. A Happy Life (1996)
Vostochnaya elegiya - Elegia Orientale (1996)
Dukhovnye golosa - Spiritual Voices (1995)
Tikhiye stranitsy (1993) - Whispering Pages (1993)
Kamen' - The Stone (1992)
Leningradskaya retrospektiva (1990)
Prostaya elegiya (1990)
Krug vtoroj - The Second Circle (1990)
Peterburgskaya elegiya (1989)
Sonata dlya Gitlera (1989)
Sovetskaya elegiya - Elegia Sovietica (1989)
Spasi i sokhrani - Rescue and Save (1989)
Altovaya sonata. Dmitry Shostakovich (1988)
Dni zatmeniya - The Days of Eclipse (1988)
Mariya - Maria (1988)
I Nichego Bolshe - And Nothing More (1987)
Moskovskaya elegiya Elegia moscovita (1987)
Odinokij golos cheloveka - The Lonely Human Voice (1987)
Terpenie. Trud (1987)
Zhertva vechernyaya - The Evening Sacrifice (1987)
Skorbnoye beschuvstviye - Anaesthesia Psychica Dolorosa (1987)
Elegiya (1985)
Razzhalovannyj (1980)
Leto Marii Voynovoy (1975) (per la TV)